title: "5. Document summarization"
author: "Thomas W. Jones"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{5. Document summarization}
```{r setup, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
In this example we'll use text embeddings and a bit of network analysis to build a basic document summarizer.
Many document summarizers, as the one we'll build here, do not generate language. Instead, they break a document down into sentences and then use some mechanism to score each sentence for relevance. Sentences with the top scores are returned as the "summary." For more information on summarization, a good place to start is [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_summarization).
The summarizer we'll build is a version of the [TextRank algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_summarization#Unsupervised_approach:_TextRank). We will split a document into sentences, create a nearest-neighbor network where sentences are connected to other similar sentences, and rank the sentences according to [eigenvector centrality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eigenvector_centrality).
We will use a word embedding model, created on a whole corpus, to project the sentences into the embedding space. Once in the embedding space, we will measure similarity between documents using [Hellinger distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hellinger_distance). Hellinger distance is a metric specifically for probability distributions. Since we'll use LDA to create embeddings to a probability space, it's a useful measure.
# Getting started
We'll use the movie review data set from `text2vec` again. The first thing we need to do is create a TCM and embedding model. We will skip evaluation such as R-squared, coherence, inspecting top terms, etc. However, in any real application, I'd strongly suggest evaluating your models at every step of the way.
```{r embedding}
# load the data
data(movie_review, package = "text2vec")
# let's take a sample so the demo will run quickly
# note: textmineR is generally quite scaleable, depending on your system
s <- sample(1:nrow(movie_review), 200)
movie_review <- movie_review[ s , ]
# let's get those nasty "
" symbols out of the way
movie_review$review <- stringr::str_replace_all(movie_review$review, "
", "")
# First create a TCM using skip grams, we'll use a 5-word window
# most options available on CreateDtm are also available for CreateTcm
tcm <- CreateTcm(doc_vec = movie_review$review,
skipgram_window = 10,
verbose = FALSE,
cpus = 2)
# use LDA to get embeddings into probability space
# This will take considerably longer as the TCM matrix has many more rows
# than a DTM
embeddings <- FitLdaModel(dtm = tcm,
k = 50,
iterations = 200,
burnin = 180,
alpha = 0.1,
beta = 0.05,
optimize_alpha = TRUE,
calc_likelihood = FALSE,
calc_coherence = FALSE,
calc_r2 = FALSE,
cpus = 2)
# Building a basic document summarizer
Let's use the above embeddings model to create a document summarizer. This will return the three most relevant sentences in each review.
The summarizer works best as a function, as we have many documents to summarize. The function `summarizer` is defined in the next section. However, let's look at some key bits of code in detail.
The variable `doc` represents a single document, or a single element of a character vector.
In the code chunk below, we split the document into sentences using the `stringi` package. Then we embed each sentence under the model built on our whole corpus, above.
```{r eval = FALSE}
# parse it into sentences
sent <- stringi::stri_split_boundaries(doc, type = "sentence")[[ 1 ]]
names(sent) <- seq_along(sent) # so we know index and order
# embed the sentences in the model
e <- CreateDtm(sent, ngram_window = c(1,1), verbose = FALSE, cpus = 2)
# remove any documents with 2 or fewer words
e <- e[ rowSums(e) > 2 , ]
vocab <- intersect(colnames(e), colnames(gamma))
e <- e / rowSums(e)
e <- e[ , vocab ] %*% t(gamma[ , vocab ])
e <- as.matrix(e)
Next, we measure the distance between each of the sentences within the embedding space.
```{r eval = FALSE}
# get the pairwise distances between each embedded sentence
e_dist <- CalcHellingerDist(e)
Since we are using a distance measure whose values fall between $0$ and $1$, we can take $1 - distance$ to get a similarity. We'll also re-scale it to be between 0 and 100. (The rescaling is just a cautionary measure so that we don't run into numerical precision issues when performing calculations downstream.)
```{r eval = FALSE}
# turn into a similarity matrix
g <- (1 - e_dist) * 100
If you consider a similarity matrix to be an adjacency matrix, then you have a fully-connected graph. For the sake of potentially faster computation and with the hope of eliminating some noise, we will delete some edges. Going row-by-row, we will keep connections only to the top 3 most similar sentences.
```{r eval = FALSE}
# we don't need sentences connected to themselves
diag(g) <- 0
# turn into a nearest-neighbor graph
g <- apply(g, 1, function(x){
x[ x < sort(x, decreasing = TRUE)[ 3 ] ] <- 0
# by taking pointwise max, we'll make the matrix symmetric again
g <- pmax(g, t(g))
Using the `igraph` package (with its own objects) to calculate eigenvector centrality. From there, we'll take the top three sentences.
```{r eval = FALSE}
g <- graph.adjacency(g, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE)
# calculate eigenvector centrality
ev <- evcent(g)
# format the result
result <- sent[ names(ev$vector)[ order(ev$vector, decreasing = TRUE)[ 1:3 ] ] ]
result <- result[ order(as.numeric(names(result))) ]
paste(result, collapse = " ")
# Pulling it all together
The code below puts it all together in a single function. The first few lines vectorize the code, so that we can summarize multiple documents from a single function call.
```{r summaries}
# let's do this in a function
summarizer <- function(doc, gamma) {
# recursive fanciness to handle multiple docs at once
if (length(doc) > 1 )
# use a try statement to catch any weirdness that may arise
return(sapply(doc, function(d) try(summarizer(d, gamma))))
# parse it into sentences
sent <- stringi::stri_split_boundaries(doc, type = "sentence")[[ 1 ]]
names(sent) <- seq_along(sent) # so we know index and order
# embed the sentences in the model
e <- CreateDtm(sent, ngram_window = c(1,1), verbose = FALSE, cpus = 2)
# remove any documents with 2 or fewer words
e <- e[ rowSums(e) > 2 , ]
vocab <- intersect(colnames(e), colnames(gamma))
e <- e / rowSums(e)
e <- e[ , vocab ] %*% t(gamma[ , vocab ])
e <- as.matrix(e)
# get the pairwise distances between each embedded sentence
e_dist <- CalcHellingerDist(e)
# turn into a similarity matrix
g <- (1 - e_dist) * 100
# we don't need sentences connected to themselves
diag(g) <- 0
# turn into a nearest-neighbor graph
g <- apply(g, 1, function(x){
x[ x < sort(x, decreasing = TRUE)[ 3 ] ] <- 0
# by taking pointwise max, we'll make the matrix symmetric again
g <- pmax(g, t(g))
g <- graph.adjacency(g, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE)
# calculate eigenvector centrality
ev <- evcent(g)
# format the result
result <- sent[ names(ev$vector)[ order(ev$vector, decreasing = TRUE)[ 1:3 ] ] ]
result <- result[ order(as.numeric(names(result))) ]
paste(result, collapse = " ")
How well did we do? Let's look at summaries from the first three reviews.
# Let's see the summary of the first couple of reviews
docs <- movie_review$review[ 1:3 ]
names(docs) <- movie_review$id[ 1:3 ]
sums <- summarizer(docs, gamma = embeddings$gamma)
Compare that to the whole reviews yourself.