Package 'mvrsquared'

Title: Compute the Coefficient of Determination for Vector or Matrix Outcomes
Description: Compute the coefficient of determination for outcomes in n-dimensions. May be useful for multidimensional predictions (such as a multinomial model) or calculating goodness of fit from latent variable models such as probabilistic topic models like latent Dirichlet allocation or deterministic topic models like latent semantic analysis. Based on Jones (2019) <arXiv:1911.11061>.
Authors: Tommy Jones [aut, cre] , Thomas Nagler [ctb]
Maintainer: Tommy Jones <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-02-08 03:37:20 UTC

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Calculate R-Squared.


Calculate R-Squared for univariate or multivariate outcomes.


calc_rsquared(y, yhat, ybar = NULL, return_ss_only = FALSE, threads = 1)



The true outcome. This must be a numeric vector, numeric matrix, or coercible to a sparse matrix of class dgCMatrix. See 'Details' below for more information.


The predicted outcome or a list of two matrices whose dot product makes the predicted outcome. See 'Details' below for more information.


Numeric scalar or vector; the mean of y. Useful for parallel computation in batches.


Logical. Do you want to forego calculating R-squared and only return the sums of squares?


Integer number of threads for parallelism; defaults to 1.


There is some flexibility in what you can pass as y and yhat. In general, y can be a numeric vector, numeric matrix, a sparse matrix of class dgCMatrix from the Matrix package, or any object that can be coerced into a dgCMatrix.

yhat can be a numeric vector, numeric matrix, or a list of two matrices whose dot product has the same dimensionality as y. If yhat is a list of two matrices you may optionally name them x and w indicating the order of multiplication (x left multiplies w). If unnamed or ambiguously named, then it is assumed that yhat[[1]] left multiplies yhat[[2]].


If return_ss_only = FALSE, calc_rsqured returns a numeric scalar R-squared. If return_ss_only = TRUE, calc_rsqured returns a vector; the first element is the error sum of squares (SSE) and the second element is the total sum of squares (SST). R-squared may then be calculated as 1 - SSE / SST.


On some Linux systems, setting threads greater than 1 for parallelism may introduce some imprecision in the calculation. As of this writing, the cause is still under investigation. In the meantime setting threads = 1 should fix the issue.

Setting return_ss_only to TRUE is useful for parallel or distributed computing for large data sets, particularly when y is a large matrix. However if you do parallel execution you MUST pre-calculate 'ybar' and pass it to the function. If you do not, SST will be calculated based on means of each batch independently. The resulting r-squared will be incorrect.

See example below for parallel computation with future_map from the furr package.


# standard r-squared with y and yhat as vectors
f <- stats::lm(mpg ~ cyl + disp + hp + wt, data = datasets::mtcars)

y <- f$model$mpg

yhat <- f$fitted.values

calc_rsquared(y = y, yhat = yhat)

# standard r-squared with y as a matrix and yhat containing 'x' and linear coefficients
s <- summary(f)

x <- cbind(1, as.matrix(f$model[, -1]))

w <- matrix(s$coefficients[, 1], ncol = 1)

calc_rsquared(y = matrix(y, ncol = 1), yhat = list(x, w))

# multivariate r-squared with y and yhat as matrices
calc_rsquared(y = cbind(y, y), yhat = cbind(yhat, yhat))

# multivariate r-squared with yhat as a linear reconstruction of two matrices
calc_rsquared(y = cbind(y, y), yhat = list(x, cbind(w,w)))



Compute the Coefficient of Determination for Vector or Matrix Outcomes


Welcome to the mvrsquared package! This package does one thing: calculate the coefficient of determination or "R-squared". However, this implementation is different from what you may be familiar with. In addition to the standard R-squared used frequently in linear regression, 'mvrsquared' calculates R-squared for multivariate outcomes. (This is why there is an 'mv' in mvrsquared).

mvrsquared implements R-squared based on a derivation in this paper ( It's the same definition of R-squared you're probably familiar with, i.e. 1 - SSE/SST but generalized to n-dimensions.

In the standard case, your outcome and prediction are vectors. In other words, each observation is a single number. This is fine if you are predicting a single variable. But what if you are predicting multiple variables at once? In that case, your outcome and prediction are matrices. This situation occurs frequently in topic modeling or simultaneous equation modeling.